First Name
Last Name
Home Address
Address 1
Address 2
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Birth Date (For astrological chart generation)
Birth Time (For astrological chart generation)
If unknown, enter 6:00 am.
Birth Location (For astrological chart generation)
If address unknown/no longer existing, please enter address as close as possible or near the city center.
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
1. Please tell us a little about your spiritual background to date. This may include any courses you have taken, topics of independent study and previous group work.
2. People are motivated to join a spiritual group by many internal and external forces. Reflect on the various contributing factors that shape your interest in our Group and describe the dynamics that are motivating you now.
3. When we work together regularly, an energy is built up which we call an egregor. Over time, this group soul will connect us together and act as a link with higher forces that seek to guide us and channel spiritual forces through us. It is the most powerful tool of group work, therefore, its strength, health and vitality are paramount. Please provide comprehensive answers to the following questions.
What strengths do you believe you bring to the Group? (Physically, emotionally, intellectually, spiritually)
What challenges do you believe you will bring to the Group? (Emotionally, intellectually, spiritually)
4. Working on the inner planes with unseen forces requires a high degree of self-awareness, self-discipline and control. Many esoteric groups have suffered more from interpersonal conflict than any outer forces. Are you currently or have you historically been engaged in professional personal psychological services that enable you to identify and confront behavioral patterns that are deleterious to the Work and the cohesion of the Group? Please describe an example of when you have been triggered and become upset. What were the circumstances, your actions and your response/recovery? How do you contain or resist the pressure to act out?
5. In the Golden Dawn tradition, as espoused by Israel Regardie, one finds the recommendation to participate in some form of bodywork. Regardie felt that unresolved emotional conflicts are stored in the body as tension and releasing these blockages permit Logos Temple life energy (prana/libido/orgone) to flow freely through the body. This facilitates the creation of a spiritualized physical vehicle, which is necessary for advanced work. Do you have a regular committed practice that sustains and vitalizes you physically? (Examples include yoga, Tai Chi, somatic practices, Alexander Technique, Rolfing, massage, etc.) Please describe:
6. There are physical considerations related to the layout and practices of the Temple. Are you able to climb stairs and tolerate the burning of incense?
7. Every spiritual group has a purpose and destiny. The karma of its members, their individual soul development, and the specific current of higher forces that seek to express through it ultimately determine who is best fit to serve and express its unique purpose. Understanding that the GD Mid-Atlantic Region/Logos Temple has a unique purpose, please reflect sensitively upon the question: What do you feel is the best way to help someone understand that they are not aligned with the purpose of the GD Mid-Atlantic Region/Logos Temple and thus have not been accepted as an applicant?
8. Describe in detail your understanding of the phrase ‘Serving the Light’?